Sunday, August 8, 2010

You always instruct us to meditate with love, but what does that mean?

You work, and if you do not work with love it becomes a labor that you cannot enjoy. If you sing with inner joy from the heart, your singing will create love in the hearts of others also. If you cook it is not just a job, a duty, or a responsibility. If you love to cook, while cutting vegetables you can see how to eliminate negative qualities. It is just like eliminating the useless part of the vegetable, throwing it away and taking only the useful part for cooking. When you cook you see how a vegetable is simply boiled. Making your life ready for spirituality is similar. When a vegetable is boiled it becomes soft; so be soft, be tender, and be beautiful. If you bring love to your everyday activities you can enjoy your work. The work will give you more love, joy, and satisfaction. It will give you a devotional, blissful state and divine feeling in your daily life. This is love in daily life.

Many people sit to meditate as a duty, "I have promised to meditate, so I will meditate." Mechanical meditation with the attitude, "I should try," is good, but if you practice this meditation technique with love, "I am not sitting on the floor; I am sitting on the lap of God. It is not my body; it is the temple of God. It is not my breath; it is the breath of God," then God is not far away. God is within you, and to maintain this type of loving attitude you not only bend your body and bow, you bow at the feet of God. Omnipresent God is observing you. In bending you bring humbleness into your life. When you develop this type of attitude and practice, you feel more impetus, more inner transformation, more strength within. Real joy and real love flourish in you. That is why I tell you to practice with love. When you practice with love you experience; "this is a beautiful time. God has given it to me so I will use it just for me and God." Meditation becomes more intensified and you get real transformation within, more joy, and more love.

Source: page 130-131, The Divine Quest by Paramhansa Hariharananda

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