Friday, July 11, 2014

Happy Guru Purnima - 12th July 2014

|| Sri Guru SaraNam||

This year Guru Purnima is celebrated on 12.7.2014. Wishing you all a Happy Guru Purnima. May The grace of Guru be always upon us, may never speak egoistically in front of Guru and may our Guru never get angry with us.

Please find some selected quotes from Guru Gita.

Who is Guru?

गुरुबुध्यात्मनो नान्यत् सत्यं सत्यं वरानने |

तल्लभार्थं प्रयत्नस्तु कर्त्तवयशच मनीषिभिः ||

The Guru is not different from the conscious Self. Without doubt, this is the truth; therefore wise men should make an effort to seek knowledge of Atman from Him. (22)

नित्यं ब्रह्म निराकारं निर्गुणं बोधयेत् परम् |

भासयन् ब्रह्मभावं च दीपो दीपान्तरं यथा ||

The Guru is one who instructs the disciple about attributeless, eternal Brahman, and there by reveals the Brahmanbhava (feeling of being Brahman) in his heart just like one lamp kindles another lamp is the Guru. (75)

How to Behave in front of Guru

गुरुं त्वंकृत्य हुंकृत्य गुरुसान्निध्यभाषणः |

अरण्ये निर्जले देशे संभवेद् ब्रह्मराक्षसः ||

One who speaks to the Guru in rude or insulting manner or who wins arguments with Him is born as a demon in a jungle or in a waterless region. (61)

अद्वैतं भावयेन्नित्यं सर्वावस्थासु सर्वदा |

कदाचिदपि नो कुर्यादद्वैतं गुरुसन्निधौ ||

At all times and under all conditions one should feel the non duality of the Self but one should never have this feeling with his Guru. (62)

अपि संपूर्णतत्त्वज्ञो गुरुत्यागी भवेद्ददा |

भवेत्येव हि तस्यान्तकाले विक्षेपमुत्कटम् ||

Even though one is the knower of the entire truth (knower of all shastras); if he is a Guru Tyagi (abandoner of the Guru) he will face, at the time of death, great distraction. (64)

गुरुणां सदसद्वापि यदुक्तं तन्न लंघयेत् |

कुर्वन्नाज्ञां दिवारात्रौ दासवन्निवसेद् गुरौ ||

One should never ignore the words of the Guru, be it just or unjust. Carrying out his behests, one should live, day and night like a servant, with the Guru. (68)

On Meditation as per Guru's advice

गुरुप्रादतः स्वात्मन्यात्मारामनिरिक्षणात् |

समता मुक्तिमर्गेण स्वात्मज्ञानं प्रवर्तते ||

By steadiness in the path to liberation, by seeing one’s own Self in oneself, by the practice of introspection within and by the Grace of the Guru, the Knowledge of the Self dawns in the Sadhaka. (76)

एक एवाद्वितीयोऽहं गुरुवाक्येन निश्चितः ||

एवमभ्यास्ता नित्यं न सेव्यं वै वनान्तरम् ||

अभ्यासान्निमिषणैव समाधिमधिगच्छति |

आजन्मजनितं पापं तत्क्षणादेव नश्यति ||

On the advice of the Guru, if one meditates with firm determination on the principle of “I am one without duality” need not resort to forest for penances, and the constant practice of the above principle brings about samadhi and his sins are burnt instantaneously. (94 & 95)

Discard all conflicts in Scriptures and take refuge in Guru

तस्मात्सर्वप्रयत्नेन सर्वसंगविवर्जितः |
विहाय शास्त्रजालानि गुरुमेव समाश्रयेत् ||

Therefore discarding all kinds of contacts with people, by all possible means, giving up all conflicts of the scriptures; one should take refuge in the Guru. (103)

False Guru has to be abandoned 

ज्ञानहीनो गुरुत्याज्यो मिथ्यावादी विडंबकः |

स्वविश्रान्ति जानाति परशान्तिं करोति किम् ||

The Guru devoid of Knowledge, who indulges in falsehood and who is full of vanity should be abandoned. Because when he is not able to find peace for himself, how is he to bestow peace on others? (104)

To whom diksha is ordained by Param Guru?

दुःसंगं परित्यज्य पापकर्म परित्यजेत् |

चित्तचिह्नमिदं यस्य तस्य दीक्षा विधीयते ||

One who has abandoned the company of sinners and sinful acts, whose heart is free from sins, to him is Guru Diksha ordained. (195)

चित्तत्यागनियुक्तश्च क्रोधगर्वविवर्जितः |

द्वैतभावपरित्यागी तस्य दीक्षा विधीयते ||

One whose heart is fixed in renunciation, who is free from anger and pride, who has abandoned the feelings of duality, to such a one Diksha is ordained. (196)

एतल्लक्षणसंयुक्तं सर्वभूतहिते रतम् |

निर्मलं जीवितं यस्य तस्य दीक्षा विधीयते ||

One whose life is endowed with these characteristics, who is interested in the welfare of all beings of the world, whose life is pure and untained, to him is Diksha ordained. (197)

For more quotes, please visit all posts categorized under Guru Gita

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