Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sannyasi is a world teacher

Looking at Nityagopal, the Sri Ramakrishna said to the devotees, "He is in a lofty mood.

(To Nityagopal) "Don't go there too often (to a middle aged female devotee, who treated Nityagopal as her son). You may go once in a while. She may be a devotee, but she is a woman too. Therefore I warn you.

"The sannyasi must observe very strict discipline. He must not look even at the picture of a woman. But this rule doesn't apply to householders. An aspirant should not associate with a woman, even though she is very much devoted to God. A sannyasi, even though he may have subdued his passions, should follow this discipline to set an example to householders.

"Worldly people learn renunciation by seeing the complete renunciation of a monk; otherwise they sink more and more. A sannyasi is a world teacher."

Source: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

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