Thursday, May 7, 2009

What should a devotee do to express his devotion for Bhagavan?

Question: What should a devotee do to express his devotion for Bhagavan?

Swamiji: Bhagavan says in the Gita, whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer as oblation to the sacred fire, whatever you bestow as a gift, whatever you do as penance, offer it all to Him. (Gita 9:27)

From "Gita Madhurya" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Question: What is benefit of offering every action to Bhagavan in devotion?

Swamiji: The devotee will be free from the bondage of action yielding good and bad results. Being freed from them, the devotee will attain Bhagavan. (Gita 9:28)

From "Gita Madhurya" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Question: How do I worship (express devotion) to Bhagavan?

Swamiji: Bhagavan clearly says in Gita - Fix your mind on Him; become His devotee; adore Him; do salutations to Him; thus uniting yourself with Him and entirely depending on Him, you shall attain Him. (Gita 9:34)

From "Gita Madhurya" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Question: In discourses you have given great importance to love and devotion for God. You have said that there is nothing greater than having love and devotion for God and when this happens, everything will be set right. So, how does one develop love and devotion ?

Swamiji: When attachment from the world leaves you, love and devotion for God happens naturally.

From "Gita Madhurya" in English by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Question: What should we do first – get rid of attachment or develop love and devotion for God?

Swamiji: First increase the love and devotion for God. Just like during Ramayan recitation, if you engage your mind and with concentration and understanding the meaning, then mind is greatly purified. Attachment within is wiped out on it's own and devotion for God is awakened. There is amazing joy and relish in this. In the beginning sometimes a man may feel bored, but when he starts getting deeply into it and experiences the nectar, he is no longer uninterested. See for yourself. Also, read the lives of devotees and saints that have freed themselves from the bondage of the world. There is immense gain in this as such readings penetrate the heart. And when love is awakened within, then attachment and worldly desires will naturally drop off. You will be greatly benefited. Attachment can also be removed through knowledge and inquiry, but love works wonders.

From "Art of Living" in English pg 48 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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