- The highest form of grace is silence.
To read more about Swami Chinmaya and his visit his website - Alone to ALONE all alone all the way.
- Out of purity and silence come the words of power.
- Remember, `Even This Will Pass Away'.
- It is sure to be dark if you close your eyes.
- The end of ego is the `Mystic Death' of the mediator.
- `Surrender inspite of Freedom' is the way of wisemen.
- Sandalwood perfumes even the axe that hurls it down! The more we rub sandalwood against a stone, the more its fragrance spreads. Burn it, and it wafts its glory through the entire neighbourhood. Such is the enchanting beauty of forgiveness in life.
- Mind at rest is the Temple of Joy. So long as it is gurgling with its desires, passions and attachments in its stormy surface, the signature of joy gets ruffled out.
- Some act till they meet obstacles, others act inspite of obstacles and conquer them; but some act not fearing the possibility of some obstacles, that might arise enroute.
- There is no destiny beyond and above ourselves; we are ourselves the architects of our future.
- Out of purity and silence come words of power.
- Without devotion, knowledge is tasteless. Without knowledge, devotion is mere empty idol worship.
- Faith is, `To believe what you do not see', the reward of which is, `you see what you believed'.
- A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.
- The glory of life is not never falling. The true glory consists in rising each time we fall.
- Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket.
- If I rest, I rust.
- Sin is never in action, it is always in reaction.
- A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.
- `Moksha' is not `Freedom from Action' but, `Freedom in Action'.
- Seek it. Centred in it, act and live.
- Be strict and intelligently critical about yourself and your own weakness and follies. But, cushion your words and attitudes with Love. Love is the greatest persuasive power we know in life.
- To remember the ever present Divine at all times, even while acting in the world, is the most positive practice for a seeker who is striving to evolve. He will thereby transform his inner personality from its present condition, to a state of harmony and efficiency.
- Not to do what you feel like doing is freedom
- Hindu culture is essentially based upon the sacrifice implied in duty, and not upon acquisition, which is implied in rights.
- Success or achievement is not the final goal. It is the 'spirit' in which you act that puts the seal of beauty upon your life.
- Substitute wisely, grow steadily and be free.
- Comfort - Comes as Guest, Lingers to become Host and stays to ENSLAVE us.
- Disappointment can come only to those who make Appointment with the future.
- Temper takes you to Trouble, Pride keeps you there.
- He who depends on chances and situations to be happy, is a Sansari
- Mind alone is maya at play.
- In all adversities there is always in its depth, a treasure of spiritual blessings secretly hidden.
- Alert and vigilant living itself is a `Sadhana' in the true sense.
- Grace is only to be found by effort, although it is here and now.
- Appreciating the mind as `ALL SILENCE'. `I AM' is meditation.
- To say, `LORD IS' is Gyanam. But `THE LORD IS I' is Vigyanam.
- To forget oneself totally, one's mind should keep awake at every moment. A mind that has forgotten the past and the future, that is awake to the now, to the present, expresses the highest concentration of intelligence. It is alert, it is watchful, it is inspired. The actions of a man who has such a mind are exceptionally creative and perfect. Verily to forget oneself totally, is to be in perfection.
- Wisdom is the assimilated knowledge in us, gained from an intelligent estimation and close study of our own direct and indirect experience in the world
- Temper brings you to trouble. Pride keeps you there.
- Silently hear everyone.
- Bhakti is the attitude of the mind, and jnana is the attitude of the intellect, both flow towards the Lord.
- Practise meditation before you preach it.
- Taste goodness before you recommend it.
- Gain bliss before you offer it to others.
- To be patient means to suffer something that hinders or hurts us, and still retain our self-composure. How many difficulties, with their consequent unpleasantness and discord, could be smoothed over and almost entirely eliminated by patience. Patience always elevates and strengthens our character. We need it not only with others but also with ourselves.
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