Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Question: Why is there desire for enjoyment of pleasures?

Swami Ramsukhdasji: It is due to accepting our relationship with the body. Rather, it is due to considering this body as "I", "Mine" and "for Me" that one, desires the enjoyment of pleasures.

Question: How is one to know whether they have or do not have lustful desires (kamana) and attachments (mamta) to objects and persons?

Swami Ramsukhdasji: Whenever there is lack of peace within or confusion and commotion within, then one must understand that within them selves there is some "desire". The separation that we feel with our self and with others is due to attachments (mamta). Whoever we are attached to, only they have an effect, influence on us and they leave impressions on us.

Question: What is the difference between "desire" and "hope" for happiness?

Swami Ramsukhdasji: One "Desires" favorable situations and happiness and not the opposite. But the expectation and the possibility of attaining happiness, pleasure, ease, prosperity, comforts etc leads to "hope" for happiness.

Source: "Prashno Uttermanimala" in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji on page 10.

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